Integrative Medicine

Medicine that combines conventional medicine with natural medicine. This combination generates better treatment results.

It integrates much of the knowledge historically available for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. It also integrates all the organs of the body in a functional unit, including the mind, and integrates and participates the patient in the process of prevention and improvement of his health.

Integrative Medicine is a worldwide movement, a new medical approach that studies the person globally, integrating other safe and effective techniques in conventional medicine. It focuses on analyzing and treating the cause of the health problem whenever possible. It requires a proactive patient, who participates in its process of improvement or cure and has special emphasis on changes in lifestyle: care in diet, adequate exercise, lifestyle and well-being and disease prevention.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

It constitutes a vast field of knowledge, of origin and philosophical conception, covering various sectors related to health and disease. Their conceptions are much more focused on the study of the factors that cause the disease and the forms of prevention, in which lies the whole essence of the philosophy of Chinese Medicine.

TCM emphasizes the precursor phenomena of functional and organic changes that cause the appearance of symptoms and signs and that are often accompanied by abnormalities in complementary and laboratory tests. The causal factor of these processes is nothing more than the imbalance of internal energy, induced by the environment (external origin), or by unruly food, retained emotions, fatigue.

The TCM addresses several sectors, healthy eating, tai chi chuan, acupuncture, medicinal herbs (herbal medicine) and Qi Cong (indoor training).

The Chinese philosophical conception about the Universe is supported by 3 basic pillars: the Yang / Yin theory, of the Five Movements and of Zang Fu (Organs and Viscera)


Herbal medicine means treatment with vegetables, plants, herbs. That is, use of medicinal plants for therapeutic purposes.

Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine theories, Chinese herbal medicine addresses functional imbalances – draining excess and toning deficiencies. As examples, we can use cold herbs to drain Heat and Fire, use hot herbs to expel Cold, use herbs to tone deficiencies of Yin, Yang, Xue or Jing.

Today it is widespread, including in the main countries of the West; there is a worldwide trend of rapprochement with nature to achieve a better quality of life, addressing the cause of the imbalance, according to the TCM. The therapy is capable of treating complex pathologies that are difficult to solve.

Chinese Magical Formulas

Chinese Magistral Formulas (FMC) are complex preparations that use ingredients of vegetable, mineral and animal origin, proven by the use and with therapeutic effects proven through Chinese literature and textbooks, resulting from the accumulation of experiences and the improvement of theoretical conclusions of generations of most active Chinese doctors. They are age-old formulas and of presentation in dry extract, teas, tea pills, tinctures. Dry extracts are concentrated from herbs or herbal formulations, produced using modern techniques of extraction, concentration, drying and granulation.

For the use of Chinese Magistral Formulas, it is necessary to have a good command of the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which are the basis for establishing a correct diagnosis and thus enabling the corresponding prescription.

The masterful formulas are a preparation of several different herbs, in different proportions, creating a harmonic combination to achieve the desired effect in the treatment of each patient’s disharmony.

The treatment using the Chinese formulas is an option in the treatment alone or combined with allopathic medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, among other natural therapies, being a very effective tool in improving patients’ health.

Chinese herbal medicine offers a safe and natural treatment, alternative to conventional medication, for the treatment of many diseases, such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, digestive problems, asthma, allergies, menstrual problems, fertility problems, overweight, tendonitis, generalized pains or localized, among many others, as it treats the individual fully, going to the root of the origin of the disease.

The frequency with which I see my patients also increases security. It is not appropriate to give a formula for an entire year and replenish it without reevaluating the patient. It should not be more than eight weeks before a new reassessment. And if there is any change in condition or symptom, follow-up should be every few days or weekly to adjust the formula as needed.


A Acupuntura consiste na estimulação de determinados pontos do corpo com agulha de acupuntura de pequeno calibre ou com calor, a fim de restaurar e manter a saúde.

A energia (Qi) é a forma imaterial que promove o dinamismo, a atividade do ser vivo. Manifesta-se sob dois aspectos principais, um com característica Yang, que representa a Energia que produz calor, a expansão, a explosão, a ascensão, a claridade, o aumento de todas as atividades, e o outro de característica Yin, a Energia que produz o frio, o retraimento, a descida, o repouso, a escuridão, a diminuição de todas as atividades.

A acupuntura tem a finalidade de promover a mobilização, a circulação e o fortalecimento das energias humanas, bem como a expulsão de Energia Perversas que acometem o indivíduo.


A ventosa é uma cúpula que, quando aplicada à superfície da pele, produz pressão interna negativa, tendo finalidade de promover o descongestionamento de Qi e Xue (Sangue) no nível dos Canais de Energia (Meridianos Energéticos)


É uma técnica que consiste em aquecer os pontos de acupuntura pela queima de ervas medicinais, a mais utilizada é a Artemisia Vulgaris.

A aplicação de moxabustião tem finalidade de aquecer o Qi e o Xue (Sangue) dos Canais de Energia Principais e Secundários, promovendo aumento da velocidade na circulação energética desses Canais de Energia, potencializando a nutrição e a atividade dos Zang/Fu (Órgãos e Vísceras). A moxabustão é amplamente utilizada para restabelecer o equilíbrio energético nos quadros de deficiência dos Canais de Energia Yang (Principais e Curiosos), assim como circular e regularizar a Água Orgânica dos Canais de Energia, e consequentemente levar essa Água para nutrir e regularizar o Yang dos Zang/Fu (Órgãos e Vísceras)

Acupuntura Auricular

É uma técnica que visa harmonizar a função dos Zang/Fu (Órgãos e Vísceras) por meio do estímulo de pontos distribuídos em todo pavilhão auricular.

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